Monday, 24 March 2014

Last Filament Standing

The last few years has seen the steady demise of what we all think of as the Light Bulb. For over one hundred years they have been our primary source of light in the home. But they have never been that efficient, converting most of their energy in to heat rather than light. This has lead to legislation outlawing all incandescent bulbs.

The gap has been filled by Compact Fluorescent and now primarily LED bulbs. So, whilst this is good for our energy bills and the environment many mourn the passing of the comforting warm glow of those lost incandescent lamps.

But, one product remains. The Carbon Filament lamp. And it has taken the world by storm. You will see them in restaurants, hotels, shops and if you pay attention to such things as I do every period drama on television. It lights up instantly. It has an attractive filament giving a retro feel. It has no issues with dimming. So just like the old incandescent bulb then.

They are not a complete replacement though with wattages generally ranging between 25w & 40w making them more suitable for low level and mood lighting. But they do look great and create that warm glow.

At ilovebulbs we offer two ranges of Carbon Filament lamps, The Calex Goldline and the forthcoming Impact Amberline. The ranges are lead by the Squirrel Cage style which mimics the look of early bulbs created by Thomas Edison. These are complemented by Candles, GLS, Globes of varying sizes as well as Tubular and Elliptical styles.

These bulbs are currently very en vogue but we have no idea how long they'll remain with the inevitable march of LED so grab them now.

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